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Cell Phone Coverage In Panama City

All three major networks are expected to offer good cell coverage in Panama City. Check coverage at your location with the map below.

Recommended Low-Cost Carrier In Panama City

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Panama City Coverage Maps

  • Visible Runs Over Verizon's Network
  • Unlimited Plan Is Only $25/Month
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  • Unlimited calls, texts, and data
  • Excellent coverage expected in Panama City
  • Service over Verizon's network
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4G LTE & 5G Coverage In Panama City

The table below shows the proportion of Panama City with coverage from different cellular technologies.
Network4G Coverage5G Coverage

Don't be alarmed by Dish's lack of 4G coverage in Panama City. Dish has a newly-built network that's 5G-only.

US Cellular And Dish Roaming Coverage

US Cellular does not have native coverage in Panama City. However, some US Cellular subscribers may still have coverage in Panama City thanks to roaming agreements.

The 87% figure for Dish may understate what subscribers in Panama City experience after accounting for roaming agreements.

Millimeter Wave 5G

Parts of Panama City have millimeter wave 5G coverage. This novel celluar technology offers extremely fast speeds, but the coverage potential is limited. Millimeter waves aren't well-suited for traveling long distances.

Network Millimeter Wave
AT&T ?
T-Mobile ?

Millimeter wave coverage in Panama City is likely sparse (mostly limited to dense, outdoor areas like popular parks or sports stadiums).

Panama City Cell Signal Strength

There are 1,030 map hexes within the census-defined boundaries of Panama City. The table below shows the proportion of hexes at various levels of signal strength. Where both 4G and 5G coverage is available, data is drawn from whichever technology offers a stronger signal.


For most purposes, decent signals are perfectly sufficient. Weak or non-existent signals cause far greater degradation in user experience.

Due to data-reliability concerns, 152 hexes in Panama City that fall in bodies water, along rivers, or near shorelines are excluded from the table above.

Crowdsourced Coverage Data In Panama City

Coverage Critic has 3,974 crowdsourced data points from 180 map hexes within the boundaries of Panama City. Data is available for AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon.

NetworkUnique HexesTotal Observations

Click here to toggle to the map's crowdsourced data layer.

Florida State-Wide Coverage Scores

Network Coverage Score
Verizon 8.8 / 10
AT&T 8.7 / 10
T-Mobile 8.2 / 10

Data Sourcing

Coverage maps draw on data from the FCC's Broadband Data Collection and Coverage Critic's crowdsourcing.

The coverage information for Panama City is rated as medium-high confidence. Documentation is available elsewhere covering limitations of Coverage Critic's approach.

Last updated: February 26, 2025